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The UN (United Nations) has lost its sheen in recent times - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the following passage and answer the five questions that follow. The UN (United Nati…

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The conceptions and treatment of poverty were quite different before 1940 - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the following passage and questions from questions 46 to 50: The conceptions and tre…

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Human beings are not completely free to socially construct their own - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow Human beings are not complete…

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The formation of the Indian state runs in a parallel narrative with the - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the passage and answer the following questions. The formation of the Indian state ru…

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Marie curie was a Polish-born physicist and chemist and one of the - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow Marie curie was a Polish-born…

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The mechanism of commodification involves platforms transforming - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the Passage and answer the following questions  The mechanism of commodification inv…

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There is an new movement called libertarian paternalism which is - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the passage and answer the following questions  There is an new movement called libe…

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Certain languages came to acquire a special status introduced by - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the passage and answer the following questions  Certain languages came to acquire a …

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Scholars refer to the western perception of Third World societies - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the passage and answer the following questions Scholars refer to the western percept…

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On reflection scientists have rejected many past theories - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the passage and answer questions: On reflection scientists have rejected many past t…

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The war on poverty earlier was intertwined with the population - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the passage and answer the given question The war on poverty earlier was intertwined…

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Reflected evaluation demands reasoning regarding relative importance - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the passage and answer questions Reflected evaluation demands reasoning regarding re…

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Walter Lippman refers to stereotypes as a projection on to the 'world - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the following Passage and Answer questions  Walter Lippman refers to stereotypes as …

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Public action, in a broad sense, can play a central role in economic development -Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions  Public action, in a broad sense, can…

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The 'new middle class' in India is upwardly mobile, educated mostly in English - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exams

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow The 'new middle class'…

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The wastage of food is substantial in every country, but some - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice for UGC NET and Other Competitive Exam

Read the following passage and answer questions The wastage of food is substantial in eve…

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The transport department is planning to start a road safety - Daily Reading Comprehension PYQ Practice - UGC -NET

Read the passage and answer the question that follow: The transport department is plannin…

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