Teaching activities: -

1.    Involving lecture

2.    Demonstration

3.    Heuristics method

4.    Discussion

5.    Project work

6.    Panel discussion

7.    Presentation

8.    Seminar

9.    Tutorial

10.  Assignment

11.  Case study can be planned either

12.  Offline or online mode

 - there can be method which include both offline & online method such as lipped classroom.

Student learn content from video & discussion / assignment take place on class room.

Benefits of using support system or teaching aids.

- student retains for long time

-   teaching air help engaging student & learn with interest

- it brakes monotony of lecture

- expert can be brought to class with their audio / visual clip instead of being physical presence.

It can use anytime & repeat

- motivate student for better learning

- active participation

1.    Audio aids

a.    Radio

b.    Recorder

c.     Telephone

d.    Mobile

e.    Audio player

f.      Pod cast etc.

2.    visual aids: -

           i.      slider

          ii.      charts

         iii.      flash card

         iv.      poster

          v.      picture

         vi.      graph

        vii.      silent film

       viii.      maps

         ix.      mind maps

          x.      diagram

         xi.      display board

        xii.      summery card

       xiii.      projector.

3. Sd aids: -

a.    Models

b.    Puppet

c.     Globe

d.    Specimen

e.    Sample

f.      Diorama

4. audio / visual aids: -

a.    Film skip

b.    Cartoon

c.     Puppet

d.    Drama

e.    Tv

f.      Online videos

g.     Docuseries

5. activity aids: - field trips / experimentation

 Did O-NO

- establishment of radio club at calculate in 1923 marked the arrival of radio in India.

- regular broad cast service started in 1927.

- in 1934 all Indian radio (AIR) launched government book over radio services.

- 13 feb = world radio day


- 1927 are of radio 4 educational purpose.

-before independence there are 30 AIR center broadcast educational program.

- radio can used for: -

1.    Lecture streaming

2.    News updates

3.    Streaming discussion

4.    Other educational program

- radio can be used as an effective-aids for teaching due to it’s higher reach & availability in remote area


- it can be: -

1.    Record lecture

2.    Discussion

3.    Dialogue

4.    Conversation etc

 - can used any time & repeat and share and ask

- record can be streamed as radio to maximize it reach.

3 podcasts

Podcasts = radio but difference = internet radio

- popular now

- it record & upload so can repeat or watch when missed.

Other aids (audio) = telephone / mobile phone / audio


Visual aids

- slides

One of the most common visual aids google slid

software link – micro soft & power point used to prepare

- this can be projected in the class with the help of projector.

- print out – of slides can use student further needs

- animation / picture / chart etc can used in slides.


Chart and graphs

- it making learning easy

- a teacher should have knowledge of chart & graphs

- it can drawn manually or help of software


Flip chart

Chart sheets are stacked on a board.

After discussion the first chart is flipped to move to another chart

- these can be used for discussing the sequential step of a activity


Flash card

- like computer card

There are generally used insets

- one card displayed immediately after another

- information presented on both side o card these can be used for glossary & quiz

- where question is displayed front side of cart & answer on back

- flash card can made with help of computer software


Mind map

- 1color full 2organised diagram

          Contain complete info about the topic

- it can hand or software

- student can paste mind maps on wall & can revise



- play great role teaching like geography

- these help memorizing easily because pictorial representation of geographical region.

Poster & picture

- important instruction & concepts can be parted on class room walks in the form of posters or pictures student will soc them daily consciously or subconsciously and brain tern flow that instruction.

                   Poster making competition increase creative thinking and drawing skill of student.



- common teaching aid specially in science subject these can remembering structure of object

Display board: -

It help engaging student these are different type

          1black board

- most popular & primitive used aid for teaching

          2white board

- updated version of black board can highlight important

Pag board

These have holes to afield  diagrams figures poster model article etc using pins or holder these are simple & easy to use

- time consuming

Magnetic board

Magnetic strip used in the board and the object to be board have iron  

- object can moved across the board easily to show moment.  

- it is similar to refrigerator magnet.

Bulletin board

These are used to display imported handouts notices / diagrams / posters / instructions etc. For student attention.

Pins used fasten paper on board


flannd board

This are made by special fabric like flannd / wool / baize.

The object have sand pater on back sade.so they can easily hanged on board.

- this make object easy to hang & remove many times needed to prepare.



1 visual projection aid

- popular now

- these required project slider / images / text / videos / diagram posters etc.

- arose ' interest' in student.

- projector will improve presentation skill of the students.

- projector can be overhead or handheld

- prow projector can connect on smart phone.

Summary card

 - pocket sized card displaying brief & necessary information about a topic these can be used effectively for revision

 - these act as a memory booster of student

3d aids

It like bring real object to classroom in some case real object can be shown to student but another case like rocked mountain cannot.


In such case model can used for effective teaching some 3d eg:

1.    Diorama
2.    Globe
3.    Puppet
4.    Specimen 
5.    Sample soon

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