Teaching concept

-         Teacher: most (imp & responsible) of society.

-         Meaning: -

        1 instruct someone – regarding a sub

        2 impart knowledge – fad or skill

-         It is flow of

          (Idea / instruction / knowledge) 

Matured person knowledge less matured person.

-         Teaching need 3 quality: -


        Communication skill


-         Teaching: -

o   Formal = classroom setup

o   Informal =outside class.eg: from family friend.

-         Aptitude = ability to do something + teaching.


2 objectives of teaching

1)     Provide knowledge & skill for to /// with fast charging word.

2)     Mould & shape learners

3)     Nurture students

4)     To include values morals / punctuality / discipline

5)     To develop sense of solidarity / brotherhood / community unity / team work / leadership.

In the use of class room activities.

6)     To prepare student better citizen of tmrw


[the aim = all-round development of student]


Levels of teaching – byheart

1 memory level: - Herbart – memorisation & information – thoughtless

Oral / writing / essay type question – lower class – teacher dominant.

Teacher cantered subject cantered – main position teacher

                   Authorisation & dominant rule

Kuttik teacher multiplication padippikunnu ennit test nadathunnu.

          Study material pre planned / teacher present in orals.

          Low insight – cognitive level teacher

2 understanding level – Morrison – mastery of subject

By developing -

Underleading - Thought full - essay & OMR – middle & higher.

In sighting -

        Permissive role – subcentre – teacher & learner

-         Teacher explain the relation between principles & fact & teach them how these principle can applied.

3 reflective level – Hunt – use of knowledge also know introspective level research skill of learner for solving real life problem = highly thought.


Essay evaluation of attitude-

Belief / involvement in learning-  higher class – teacher democratic rule

&development of critical & creative skill-

-         Student centric + problem centric

-         Student centred – primary position = learner

-         To solve real life problem

-         Original  thinking creative thinking

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