Evaluation system 

- it helps teacher to understand the needs interest and potential of student.
- evaluation can be defined as the process of:

1.    Collecting

2.    Examining

3.    Interpreting data on knowledge

4.    Skill

5.    Beliefs

6.    And attitude of student for assessing magnitude of their learning.

- the data can be collected by:

1.    Taking rest of student

2.    Interviewing them

3.    Or observing them silently

Teacher keeps a record of student performance data and analyses it to know about trends in their performance.
- if performance = unsatisfied aid & teaching style can be changed
Characteristics of evaluation

1.    Evaluation is a systematic process this means it is carried out in a systematic and planned way

2.    It is comprehensive (not mark but all round)

3.    It is continues process

4.    It evaluate the fulfillment of instructional objective

5.    Use of diverse procedure test & technique

6.     Help identify student problem & solve by remedy

7.    It is main feature of teaching

8.    It help student know about the weakness

9.    Well planned & valuation provide reliable & valid measure of sheet

10.                       Dynamic / flexible

11.                       The result should not effected personal bias of teacher .

Function of evolution

1)    Help to detecting problem and weakness in student so remedial measures can be recommended.

2)    It help to identify the potential ability of students.

Eg: UGC-NET exam test ability of candidate for research and teaching.

3)    Through identify potential and candidate suitable course or job

4)    It is the basis of certification and award

5)    It helps in measuring the level of fulfilment of instructional and educational object.

6)    It act as a source of feedback of fetchers.
Element of evaluation

1 evaluation and participant

2 purpose and objectives of evaluation

3 resources: - question paper / answer sheet / on line test 
                             If skill level can be evaluated

                   1 equipment

`                  2 hardware

                   3 software
4 analysis: - 

          There is need of analysis the performance of the participant in the case of written or oral test mark can be assigned.
- candidate can also be given mark or ranked on the base of their: -

1.    Skill

2.    Behavior

3.    Attitude

4.    Personality

5.    Confidence level etc

Decision maker: -

          A person who will be making final choice as per result of analysis of candidate performance.

Type of evaluation
1 Paul black = proponent of this concept chef cheese food during process of cooking improves when needs.

- similarly the teacher can evaluate the understanding of student if any problem then the teaching method aids or approach can be improved.
Eg: class test.

Summative evaluation

- Paul black = propounded
- also known as external exaltation.
- It carried out the end of term / course /unit
Eg: chef served customer after that no internal change but caters evaluate about food
This exam an be graded / awarded depending on performance.

Diagnostic evaluation

It used the beginning of course to know about prior knowledge of the learner so teacher can adjust according to his knowledge.
- it one step before formative evaluation
- it is based on evaluation of effective domain with the use of qualitative teaching.

Criterion & norm reference evaluation

2 different way of evaluation of student performance in normal reference evaluation
                   - the performance of one student compared with other stated on the basis of certain criteria evaluation.
Eg: 1= “A” has highest mark in class test (comparison)
Eg: 2=”A” has 98% mark in class test (no comparison)

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