Teaching model

For effective teaching / a teacher should have good knowledge of teaching model.

          This model help in boosting interest: -

1)    Creativity

2)    Motivation

3)    Innovation

1)    Social interaction models:

If focus importance of social relation & interaction.

-         In this model: social interaction – source of learning.

-         It is student centered approach for teaching.

In such models student participated in group activity such as group discussion.

-         Teacher monitor their activities.

-         Students learn by: -

      Way of question


      Helping each other etc

Common used strategies: -

1)    Group discussion

2)    Project

3)    Graffiti model

4)    Role playing

5)    Co-operative learning

6)    Social enquiry etc.

Social interaction model

Group investigation model. John Dewey & Herbart Thelim

Social enquiry model      了     benjamine loa & bgron

Laboratory model


2)    Behavior altering model

o   This model of teaching focus on altering behavior so make him better citizen tomorrow

-         B.F skinner: one of the proponent of this model.

-         Common stragglers used in such model: -

o   Desensitization

o   Direct instruction

o   Direct teaching

o   Direct training

o   Behavior

o   Hunter learning model

o   Self-control

o   Simulation

 3)    Information processing model: -

-         These are based on the ability of learners to process the information they received from the surrounding some model encourage creative thinking / concept formatting / hypothesis testing etc.


-         Personal basis model

Such model enhance self-esteem. Self-efficacy and understanding these relate to she uniqueness of each learners. the ultimate aim of such models to simulate creativity, self-expression and confidence so as to develop integrated component and confident individuals. These takes into consideration in the individual difference. Which arise due to physical & social environment.

4)    Personal basis model

-           Such model enhance self-esteem. Self-efficacy and understanding.

-         the ultimate aim of such models to simulate creativity, self-expression and confidence.

-         so as to develop integrated component and confident individuals.

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