4) Flipped classroom
- Modern concept popular on 2007
- Teacher record lecture and share with student
- Teacher send a link & student watch at their own pace at home
- Tae student work assignment in the class room
5) Kinesthetic learning
Also known as :-
1 tactile learning
2 hands on learning
- More emphasis on physical activities in stud of lecture / bemol
▪ Eg: students learn by experiences
▪ Role playing
▪ Drama
▪ Sporty
▪ Drawing
6) Discussion
- Discussion is better source of learning than lecturing or explaining.
- Discussion involve 2way communication
- Lecture involve one way communication
- It discussion between teacher & student or students
- Teacher initiate the discussion then listen to the view point of student
- At the end teacher summaries all the point discussed
- In team teaching most only one teachers plans the class activity / rather two or more teachers plan the activities / aids / evaluation. Strategies etc
For the same set of student.
8) Open learning
- Open learning is a form of learning in which there are no barriers of age / place / time /etc
- House wives / employed person / students from remote area etc.
Can complete the course with out any restriction of attending lecture.
Students can learn where ever & whenever they wishli
Distance education
- Also known s correspondence course
- It take place when the teacher & student are geographically distant
- Student can learn from
o Postal curse
o Audio / video call
o Tv program
o Books
o News paper
o Online material etc
- UGC-EBSE and other education institutes provide video lecture to student through you tube
- IGNOU (Indira Gandhi national open university) IGNOU state open university
9) Project method
- It was developed by William heard. Kill palrien the project method = activity based learning
- Project can be statice or working model or it can be also a form of a report.
- Project work is also a part of many degree programmer in project 1pepor / student 2conduct research 3carry out survey then present the finding of research.
- Mainly in science & social science
Project can be allocated individually or groups.
10) Panel discussion
- In panel discussion / discussion about topic are herd among the panel members can be chosen from with in the class or subject * pearls can be invited for panel discussion.
11) Brain storming
Brain storming idea = spontaneity
- Idea flow with out any evaluation
- Idea’s noted on board or on paper
Then end of session best idea are chosen similar idea are clubbed
- Teacher act as facilitator in such session
- Programmed learning takes places in a series of controlled and sequential step
- Programmed material is provided to student and they cover it as per their convenience
Feature: immediate feedback to student
It also used in the absence of teacher
- The programmer cut topic in to small pieces
- It address individual differences
- Learning by doing principle is used in this method
- There is flexible in teaching & learning
- It is a: -
▪ Set of method
▪ Tragedies
▪ Technique
Which are used to address the diverse 1needs, 2interest, 3aspiration
o Learning style
o Pace of content
o Environment can very from student to student on the basis of
▪ Experience
▪ Prior knowledge
▪ Requirement
▪ Interest
▪ Goal of student
- Student centered method of teaching
- They have their own learning
- It is opposite to “one size fit all”
Merit: - learning self-placed & student centered
Learners are more autonomous and independent.
Demerit: -
- Self-disciplined needed to complete course
- It cannot be used for primary level student
- It will difficult to change course content
- Differentiated instruction
Teacher centered
Goal = some
Teacher can differentiate: -
● Subject matter
● Learning practice
● Learning environment etc
To address individual needs of student
There is a flexibility in instruction
Grouping & evaluation
- Personalized system
Student centered
Goal = same
Student can
15) Role playing
- Roles are assigned to students and then interaction take place between them
- It can make student aware of different person and their perspectives
- It help in sharpening the: -
▪ Critical thinking
▪ Creative thinking
▪ Debating
▪ Negotiating
▪ Reasoning ability of student
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