It is desirable for consumers to be aware of their rights, and to exercise those rights responsibly and intelligently. In these days of audio-video publicity on the public and private media, it is indeed very difficult, if not impossible, to verify the exaggerated or false claims made by producers, manufacturers, distributors and dealers of various goods and services. The all-pervasive, exaggerated and often false claims, made for services and goods, emphasize the imperative need for Consumer Protection Legislation and creation of awareness about it among the general public.
In this connection, there are a number of enactments, in India such as the prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954, the Essential Commodities Act, 1955, the Hire Purchases Act, 1972, the Standards Weight and Measure Act, 1976 etc. However, the remedies prescribed there under are time-consuming, inadequate and expensive. As in other areas of Judicial Processes, the offenders are hardly caught, proceeded against and rarely, if ever, got convicted. When violators go scot-free, the victims have no remedy and gets frustrated.
1. Which among the following is a correct statement based on the passage?
(A) Consumer's laws are not explained well in India
(B) Indian Judiciary System needs a drastic reform to facilitate consumers' welfare
(C) Indian manufacturers are clever
(D) The Indian Consumers have no remedy and get frustrated
2. Which among the following is a correct statement based on the passage?
(A) Consumers in India are aware of their rights
(B) Consumers in India exercise their rights responsibly
(C) Consumers in India are unaware of their rights and hence, they do not exercise them
(D) None of the above could be ascertained on the basis of paragraph given here above
3. Which among the following is a correct statement based on the passage?
(A) The Government of India has enacted sufficient number of laws for protection of consumer interests
(B) The paragraph does not give comprehensive list of laws in favour of consumers
(C) Legal environment for consumers in India is not conducive
(D) Legal environment for consumers in India is conducive
4. Who among the followings could be considered at the center point in the passage?
(A) Consumers
(B) Judicial Process
(C) Manufacturers
(D) Government
5. Which among the following is a correct statement based on the passage?
(A) Producers and manufacturers are sensitive about consumers' rights.
(B) Producers and manufacturers are insensitive about consumers' rights.
(C) Producers and manufacturers are neutral about consumers' rights.
(D) Producers and manufacturers are basically governed by ethics and values.
1 - B
2 - D
3 - B
4 - A
5 - B
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