Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

Climate change will have broad impacts on human society. Changes projected to occur in the coming century or two won't have the apocalyptic, civilization-destroying character of, say an all-out nuclear was or a direct hit from a large asteroid. But climate change will be disruptive in many ways to a civilization whose planetary home is already under stress from the demands of billions of human beings. The physical impacts of climate change won't be evenly distributed around the globe. Low- lying coastal regions', for example, will suffer more from sea-level rise; continental interiors will see more drought; and high latitudes will warm disproportionately. For that, reason alone, impacts will vary from country to country. But also alter the impact of a changing climate, social, political, and economic considerations That's because wealthier countries are better able to adapt to and counter deleterious effects. Wealthy countries can build protective seawalls to ward off the rising oceans; they can engineer massive water projects to ensure continuing supplies of freshwater: they can outbid poorer countries if declines in domestic agriculture require increased food imports; their advanced health care systems can better cope with spreading tropical diseases: and their robust economies can speed recovery from extreme weather events. We're forced to the unfortunate conclusion that climate change will exacerbate the gap between rich and poor nations, as those with the fewest resources will be the most vulnerable. This conclusion should be especially troubling because anthropogenic climate change is almost 'entirely the result of fossil fuel consumption, deforestation, and other activities carried out by or for the benefit of the developed world.

1. In the context of climate change which among the following statements are not correct?

A. Low-lying area will be threatened.

B. Agricultural production will be affected.

C. Developing countries will adapt better to it.

D. Health will be affected.

E. Developed countries will suffer less.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(a) C and E only

(b) A, B and C only

(c) A, C and E only

(d) A, D and E only

2. Impact of climate change on human society will be -

(a) Inconsequential

(b) As disastrous as the impact of a nuclear war

(c) Disruptive

(d) Mild

3. Climate change will impact the world

(a) Uniformly

(b) The developing would less

(c) Disparately

(d) The developed world more

4. How will climate change affect the gap between the rich and poor countries?

(a) It will be increase the gap

(b) It will reduce the gap.

(c) There will be no change in gap.

(d) It will bridge the gap.

5. Given below are two statements:

Statement I: The developed world can cope better with climate change.

Statement II: The developed world is largely responsible for climate change.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(a) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

(b) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

(c) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

(d) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct


1 - a

2 - c

3 - c

4 - a

5 - a