Read the following passage and answer the questions

An essential function of hegemony involves convincing people to support the existence of a social system that does not support them in return. Marginalized groups do not often protest or revolt against ideologies that overwhelmingly support privileged groups because, on some level, they consent to being dominated. This statement prompts an immediate question: Why would anyone consent to such an arrangement? While dominant ideologies may reflect the desires and interests of socially powerful groups, for these ideologies to remain dormant or hegemonic, they must also feature an additional promise. It is in the best interest of the marginalized groups to accept these belief's as well. Put another way, members of socially powerful groups act to have their world view accepted as the universal way of thinking, and members outside these groups come to accept some of these ideologies because they appear beneficial in some way. This is referred to as a process of spontaneous consent because it is typically informal or unnoticed. The best way to understand the spontaneous consent of hegemony is through an example. A number of ideological components within a nation's higher education system may not be in the best interests of students. One dominant belief suggests that college students should pay for their own education. Despite being affected by the belief, they accept it, and the ideology survives. When such consent fails, however, the concept of hegemony also explains how dominant ideologies evolve to contain this failure through a process of flexible appropriation. In such a situation, it is likely that dominant cultural institutions will absorb any challenging beliefs, integrate them into the hegemonic matrix, and re-establish the previous norm. As a result, hegemonic systems never go away. They simply change form through a process of constant give and take  between social group. Hegemonic ideological structures maintain control in part through the never-ending process of integration and appropriation of marginalized ideologies.

1. Despite hegemony, why marginalized people do not protest?

(a) Because they are too weak.

(b) They are not bothered being dominated.

(c) Privileged groups forcefully suppress them.

(d) Because of the promise that the dominant ideology is in their best interest.

2. What is the acceptance of domination called?

(a) Hegemony

(b) Marginalisation

(c) Spontaneous consent 

(d) Reflective desire

3. The dominant ideology survives because of its

(a) Social Power

(b) Flexible appropriation

(c) Beneficial features

(d) Ideological components

4. The dominant cultural institutions have the power to

(A) Absorb challenges

(B) Maintain relations with social groups

(C) Destroy opposition

(D) Re-establish the precious norms

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(a) (A) and (B) only

(b) (B) and (C) only

(c) (C) and (D) only

(d) (A) and (D) only

5. The passage explains

(a) The forced absorption of the marginalized into the mainstream

(b) The establishment of the ideology of the marginalised

(c) The defects of spontaneous consent

(d) The survival of dominant ideology against the challenges


1 - d

2 - c

3 - b

4 - d

5 - d