à´¯ുà´œിà´¸ി à´¨െà´±്à´±് à´Žà´•്à´¸ാà´®ിà´¨െ പറ്à´±ി à´ªൂർണ്ണമാà´¯ിà´Ÿ്à´Ÿും നമ്മൾ ഇവിà´Ÿെ മനസ്à´¸ിà´²ാà´•്à´•ുà´•à´¯ാà´£് à´ˆ ആർട്à´Ÿിà´•്à´•…
Read moreà´¯ുà´œിà´¸ി à´¨െà´±്à´±് à´Žà´•്à´¸ാà´®ിà´¨െ പറ്à´±ി à´ªൂർണ്ണമാà´¯ിà´Ÿ്à´Ÿും നമ്മൾ ഇവിà´Ÿെ മനസ്à´¸ിà´²ാà´•്à´•ുà´•à´¯ാà´£് à´ˆ ആർട്à´Ÿിà´•്à´•…
Read moreRead the passage and answer the questions that follows. Given the precarious conditio…
Read moreRead the passage and answer the following question. Few subjects have been more controv…
Read moreRead the given passage and answer the questions that follow After all, the race of me…
Read moreRead the given passage and answer the following question. There are three main groups of …
Read moreRead the passage and answer questions. The world over, leisure time has increased tremend…
Read more👉2023 à´¸െà´ª്à´±്à´±ംബറിൽ, G20 à´°ാà´œ്യങ്ങളുà´Ÿെ à´•ൂà´Ÿ്à´Ÿാà´¯്മയിൽ à´¸്à´¥ിà´°ാംà´—à´®ായത് ? - ആഫ്à´°ിà´•്കൻ à´¯ൂà´£ിയൻ 👉…
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